Course Syllabi
I teach extensively in the introductory sociology sequence and in courses that explore institutional inequality and social change. In each course I teach, I try to emphasize some key dialectic in sociological thought, such as macro-micro, structure-culture, conflict-functionalism, etc.
SOCI 1: Introduction to Sociology
This course introduces students to the discipline of sociology. We review the nature of social construction and the causes and consequences of three foundational social constructions: race, class, and gender.

soci_1_syllabus.pdf |
SOCI 2: The Study of Society
This course is a follow up to SOCI 1: Introduction to Sociology. Anchored by structural functionalism and critical theory, we explore contemporary American social institutions and their impact on individual life chances.

soci_2_syllabus.pdf |
SOCI 139: Social Inequality: Class, Race, and Gender
This course delves into three types of social inequality and the ways they intersect. We combine a "micro" (individual) perspective with a "macro" (institutional) perspective to reveal the complexity of social inequality and the possibilities for equitable social change.

soci_139_syllabus.pdf |
Media Matters: Stereotypes and Social Change in Popular Media
This course was designed as an intensive 3-week course for a summer academic program for high school students about to start college. We explore core themes in sociology and bring these themes to life by seeing them displayed in popular media. We also critically analyze the media as an institution and explore ways to resist and change media in the interest of changing the broader society.

media_matters_syllabus.pdf |